kata mutiara

" Saat anda tulus mencinta, anda senantiasa mencintainya walau sudah berpisah. bila tidak, anda memanglah dari awal tidak mencintainya."

Senin, 11 Maret 2013


Simple Present Tense

Dalam bahasa Inggris Present Tense atau Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian, kegiatan, aktivitas dan sebagainya yang terjadi saat ini. Present Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu Fakta, atau sesuatu yang terjadi berulang-ulang dimasa KINI. Ingat,PRESENT artinya adalah kini, sekarang.

Rumus :  
Subject + to be + verb I + Main verb
Subject + verbI +(s/es)

Examples         :
(+)       A postman delivers letters.
(-)        A Postman do not delivers letters.
(?)        Does Postman delivers letters?

(+)       I drink coffee
(-)        I do not drink coffee.
(?)        Do you drink cofee?

(+)       She likes eating out.
(-)        She doesn’t like eating out.
(?)        Does she like eating out?

Present Continuos Tense

Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu yang sedang terjadi saat ini, sedang berlangsung saat ini

Rumus :   
Subject + to be ( I, am, are) + kata kerja + ing

Examples :
(+)       We are studying English
(-)        We are not studying English.
(?)        Are you studying English?

(+)       I am writing now
(-)        I am not writing now
(?)        Are you writing now?

(+)       She is waiting for you.
(-)        She is not waiting for you.
(?)        Is she waiting for you?

Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian pernah terjadi maupun merupakan kebiasaan dimasa lampau.

Rumus :
 Subject + past tense + verb 2

Examples         :
(+)       The girl eat much ice cream this morning
(-)        The girl didn’t eat much ice cream this morning
(?)        Did she eat much ice cream this morning?

(+)       The hunter shot the bear.
(-)        The hunter didn’t shoot the bear.
(?)        Did the hunter shoot the bear?

(+)       I washed the car last Sunday.
(-)        I didn’t wash the car last Sunday.
(?)        Did you wash the car last Sunday?

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, keadaan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Dan pada saat berbicara kegiatan/perbuatan tersebut telah selesai dilakukan.

Rumus :
subject + have + past participle (Kata Kerja Bentuk ke-3)

Examples :
(+)       You have told me before.
 (-)       You have not told me about it.
(?)        Have you told me before?

(+)       She has been here for 4 hours
(-)        She has not been here for 4 hours
(?)        Has she been here for 4 hours?

(+)       I have lived here for 2 years.
(-)        I have not lived here for 2 years.
(?)        Have you lived here for 2 years?

Simple Future Tense

Simple future tense ialah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi di masa depan dengan atau tanpa rencana.

Rumus :
Subject + will/shall + kata kerja bentuk 1

Examples         :
(+)       He will speaks English well soon
(-)        He will not speaks English well soon
(?)        Will  he speaks English well soon?

(+)       They will go home soon.
(-)        They will not go home soon.
(?)        Will they go home soon?

(+)       She will be here tomorrow.
(-)        She won’t be here tomorrow.
(?)        Will she be here tomorrow?